Monday, May 02, 2005

Comedy Central Centrist II

Earlier today, the Yellow Line posted on “Comedy Central Centrists,” calling them
a group defined by a desire to live free of the left’s stifling political correctness and the right’s strict religious beliefs – of a revulstion to spiin and a thirst for straight-forward truths.

While we hope TYL fits into this mold, we know that John Avalon does.

A few weeks ago, TYL reported on a high-energy conversation we had with Avalon and Mark Satin over a few drinks. We’d be amiss if we didn’t use this opportunity to provide a link to John’s recent appearance on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. It’s hard to find a centrist with a greater vision and stronger convictions that John showed in his appearance on Comedy Central.

ALAN ADDS: This was the show where Jon Stewart coined the centrist rallying cry of "Be Reasonable!!"


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