Thursday, May 19, 2005

Draft of Filibuster Compromise Deal Released

CNN has obtained a draft of the filibuster compromise deal that’s in the works between Centrist Senators of both parties.

The key points:
A bid to end the Senate standoff over President Bush's judicial picks would let five nominees advance to a final vote while preserving the right of a minority of senators to block two others…

Under the compromise, nominees William Myers, a pick for the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, and Henry Saad, for the 6th Circuit, would remain blocked…

The deal would preserve the use of the filibuster, through which a minority of 41 senators can keep debate open indefinitely -- but call for its use only in "extraordinary circumstances."

It also calls on Bush to consult with home-state senators and members of the Senate Judiciary Committee from both parties before sending up a nominee. The deal would preserve the use of the filibuster, through which a minority of 41 senators can keep debate open indefinitely -- but call for its use only in "extraordinary circumstances."

It also calls on Bush to consult with home-state senators and members of the Senate Judiciary Committee from both parties before sending up a nominee.

We might be close to a deal here. But it’s not over yet.


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